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HONEST ADVICE : from one bride to another...

Updated: Aug 5, 2022

Take relaxed photos before the ceremony – those intimate shots with your mother/father, your family, your attendants, (even your pets) surrounded by those who love you. These are the photos that will melt your heart in years to come!

Be a woman with a plan – before the wedding, designate a guest/relative/friend to gather up gifts, cards from the Reception and keep them in a safe place before handing back to you the next day or later on.

It’s a good idea to have an itinerary for the day – but be flexible. Everyone will then know what’s expected of them – but remember, to make it fun (even if the hairdresser goes a little over time!).

Nourish yourself – this is so important on the day. You don’t want to get cranky due to lack of food and of course, hydrate (not just with bubbles)!

Get food to go on the day – ask your caterer to prepare a pack to take with you during your photo shoot so when you and your wedding part get to the reception, you aren’t all feeling ravenous.

Don’t sweat the small stuff – the planning process all comes together on the day. Just breath and relish your day. If something goes wrong, you will be surrounded by others who are willing to support you – just ask them to deal with it with a big smile on your face ... after all, how can they refuse the bride?

Soak up the moments – take time to really look around everyone attending and think about how much they mean to you. Take in how much you love your significant other and how amazing you feel at that moment. Married life has its challenges and you’ll draw on that feeling from time to time.

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